SDG #10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 focuses on reducing inequality within and among countries.
–United Nations
Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to reducing inequalities is evident through the policies that are stated below.
Universitas Pertamina is committed to supporting educational equality and providing opportunities for anyone to pursue higher education here. One of the main indicators of this commitment is the number of first-generation students. A first-generation student is defined as someone whose parents did not complete university education. At Universitas Pertamina, 43 out of a total of 902 new students are first-generation students, representing approximately 4.77% of the incoming class. This demonstrates the university’s ongoing efforts to promote inclusivity and access to higher education for all.

Universitas Pertamina is committed to a non-discriminatory approach for the students’ admission process, this is shown by the Statement of Standards (Pernyataan Isi Standar) no. D.01.39 and D.01.40 of the Standards of Governance and Administration (Standar Tata Kelola dan Tata Pamong) Universitas Pertamina 2023.
These statements of standards declared that the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of Universitas Pertamina is responsible in ensuring that the student admission system that applies the principles of equity and principle of equitable distribution of students’ geographic origins.
The score composition of whether the potential future student is accepted to Universitas Pertamina also includes a non-discriminatory clause that is regulated by the Rector’s Regulation No. 0010/UPR/PER/HK.00/VIII/2023 Chapter 2 No.5; insert year 2022 about Guidelines for New Student Selection (Pedoman Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru).
A non-discriminatory clause is also included in the Rector’s Regulation No: 0004/UP-R/PER/VI/2016 Article 11 verse 1 about Kepegawaian Universitas Pertamina and Rector’s Regulation No. 002F/UP-R/PER/V/2016 Article 4 verse 1 about Guidelines for Recruitment and Selection of Lecturers and Educational Staff.
Universitas Pertamina is committed to expand access for underrepresented groups in higher education institutions. This policy is stated in UPer’s Governance Standard (D.01.38), where the Vice Rector I is responsible for developing a new student admission system that provides opportunities for prospective students with high academic potential despite economic limitations or disabilities.
This commitment is realized through several targeted scholarship programs that specifically target underrepresented groups, namely:
- Beasiswa Ujung Negeri (BUN) – Aimed at the best children from the Disadvantaged, Frontier, and Outermost (3T) regions, to support equitable access to higher education throughout Indonesia.
- Beasiswa Sobi 3T – Focused on helping students from 3T areas who have limited access to education and basic facilities.
- Beasiswa Ekonomi – This program is designed for students from low-income families, so that they can continue their education without financial barriers.
This policy is also supported by the provision of adequate supporting facilities and infrastructure, ensuring an inclusive learning environment for students with disabilities. The target for admission from underrepresented groups is set at 5% of the total new students.
As a concrete form, Universitas Pertamina also stipulates the admission procedures and qualifications for Beasiswa Ujung Negeri recipients in Rector Decree No. 0247/UP-R/SK/HK.01/IX/2022. Students receiving this scholarship are not only exempted from tuition fees, but also receive a monthly allowance, travel expenses, and additional facilities such as insurance and alma mater clothing. In addition, BUN recipients are expected to actively participate in campus activities and commit to advancing their home regions after graduation.
Through these inclusive policies and programs, Universitas Pertamina not only supports educational equity but also contributes to the reduction of social and economic inequality, in line with SDG goal 10.
Aside from previous policies mentioned, anti-discrimination policies are also contained in:
- Rector’s Regulation No. 0011/UP-R/PER/VIII/2019
- Rector’s Regulation No. 002I/UP-R/PER/V/2016 on Human Resource Management Article 31 verse 4, which also refers to anti-discrimination laws.
- Rector’s Regulation No.003/UP-R/PER/VI/2016 Article 4, 5 & 8 about Code of Ethics for Lecturers
- Rector’s Regulation No.0011/UP-R/PER/VIII/2019 about Code of Ethics for Students Article 8 Verse 2, Article 17 Verse 1, Article 18 Verse 1 & Article 19 Verse 1.
Universitas Pertamina has a Student Code of Ethics Enforcement Committee that enforces the Rector’s Regulation No.0011/UP-R/PER/VIII/2019.
Universitas Pertamina is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming campus environment for all by providing a special pathway for people with disabilities in front of Griya Legita Building, Rectorate Building, and canteen area. These facilities are designed to ease the mobility of people with disabilities, ensuring equal access to various campus services and activities. This initiative supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 10 by creating a safe and comfortable space for the entire academic community without discrimination. This reflects Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to diversity and equality in the educational environment.

In addition to the disability path, Universitas Pertamina also provides a special toilet for people with disabilities on the 2nd floor of Griya Legita Building and on the 1st floor of Rectorate Building. This facility is designed with easy access and equipped with handrails and enough space to facilitate wheelchair users, ensuring user comfort and independence.

The Standar Tata Kelola dan Tata Pamong Edisi 2022’s Statement of Standards No. D.01.38 declared that the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs is responsible establishing a student admission system that provides opportunities and accepts students with academic potential who are economically disadvantaged and/or physically disabled, along with evidence of the implementation of this system in the form of available supporting facilities and infrastructure.
The Standar Sarana dan Prasarana Umum Universitas Pertamina Edisi 2022 Statement of Standards No. G.01.06 declared that the Vice Rector of Finance and Organizational Resources needs to ensure that all buildings on the Universitas Pertamina campus must meet the learning facilities and infrastructure for students with special needs, including:
- Labeling with Braille and information in audio form;
- Ramps for wheelchair users;
- Guiding blocks on pathways or corridors within the campus;
- Campus or building maps in raised format; and restrooms or bathrooms for wheelchair users.
Anti-harassment Policies are contained in the following:
- Rector’s Regulation No. 002I/UP-R/PER/V/2016 Article 31.
- Student Code of Ethics Article 7 verse 8; Article 8 verse 7; Article 15 verse 2; Article 16 verse 2 & 5; Article 7 verse 8; Article 17 verse 9; Article 18 verse 5 & 6; Article 19 verse 5; and Article 26 verse 7 & 9.