SDG #13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
– United Nations
Below are the actions taken by Universitas Pertamina to support the SDGs, such as low carbon energy tracking and use, and education programs on climate undertaken during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Universitas Pertamina is actively contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), by implementing low-carbon energy solutions on campus. The university has installed solar panels and wind turbines as part of its energy generation system, significantly reducing its carbon footprint. These renewable energy sources help power the campus while promoting sustainability and innovation. Through these efforts, Universitas Pertamina not only demonstrates its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also serves as a model for integrating sustainable practices in higher education.
Universitas Pertamina measures the total energy usage and low-carbon energy consumed across the university. Currently, the total energy usage at the university is 14,229 gigajoules, of which 56 gigajoules come from low-carbon energy sources. The university is committed to climate action and achieving SDG 13. To support this commitment, it has implemented renewable energy technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines on its campus. The use of clean energy helps reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency within the campus environment. By harnessing sunlight and wind as sources of electricity, the university not only reduces its reliance on fossil fuels but also demonstrates leadership in sustainable practices.
This initiative reflects Universitas Pertamina’s vision to be a pioneer in climate action and inspires younger generations to actively contribute to climate change mitigation through innovation and environmentally friendly technologies.
Universitas Pertamina provides local education programs and campaigns on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning. As part of this commitment, the university is organizing an International Symposium titled “The Role of Blue Carbon in REDD+ and NDC” in collaboration with the Pertamina Foundation and ECADIN. Scheduled for December 19th, 2022, the event aims to enhance understanding and promote the Blue Carbon initiative as a key solution in mitigating climate change.
The symposium will offer insights into how Blue Carbon can help reduce the impacts of climate change and explore how this initiative can create social and economic value for communities. Through in-depth discussions and cross-sector collaboration, Universitas Pertamina aims to demonstrate its role in local climate education, empower the younger generation, and make a tangible contribution to global climate mitigation efforts.
Universitas Pertamina is committed to supporting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13, specifically indicator 13.3.2, through its strategic plan for 2023-2028, which focuses on environmental research and climate change. Aiming to understand the impacts of climate change, the university is developing mitigation and adaptation strategies oriented towards environmental sustainability, including disaster risk analysis, socio-economic impacts, and environmental health mapping.
To achieve sustainability, the research also encompasses natural resource conservation, environmental restoration, and waste management. Universitas Pertamina aims to conduct emissions inventory and carbon footprint assessments to reduce environmental impacts, positioning itself as a leader in climate change mitigation efforts and an inspiring example for other institutions.
Universitas Pertamina has taken proactive steps to address SDG 13 (Climate Action) by collaborating with various stakeholders to plan for and mitigate climate-related disasters. The university partners with the government, local communities, and non-governmental organizations to enhance preparedness for natural disasters such as floods and droughts, which are exacerbated by climate change.
This initiative demonstrates Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to building community resilience and reducing the impacts of climate change through collective action and collaboration.
Universitas Pertamina is dedicated to achieving SDG 13 (Climate Action) by assisting the government in monitoring river water levels to prevent flooding. In partnership with the JAKITA initiative, which emphasizes flood control strategies, the university contributes essential data to support preventive measures. This initiative improves the city’s readiness and cooperation in dealing with the effects of climate change.
Universitas Pertamina is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and knowledge through partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). One important initiative is the collaboration between Pertamina Foundation and the crowdfunding platform KitaBisa.com through the #TemanBumi program. This program encourages the public to support climate change mitigation efforts through donations, allowing people to take part in environmental actions from home in a simple and effective manner. Additionally, Universitas Pertamina works with KeMANGTEER on a mangrove planting program that aims to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen coastal ecosystems. This initiative not only aims to mitigate the impacts of climate change but also to raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability among students and the wider community. Through these initiatives, Universitas Pertamina shows its dedication to creating a more sustainable and resilient future while educating the younger generation about the significance of environmental preservation and climate change mitigation.