Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 15 focuses on protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification, and halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss.
– United Nation
Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to achieving this sustainable goal is evident through various initiatives undertaken during the 2022-2023 academic year, aimed at promoting sustainable land use, conservation, and biodiversity protection as part of their dedication to sustainable development.
Universitas Pertamina actively supports the conservation and sustainable use of land through initiatives in collaboration with Pertamina Foundation and Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. These efforts include the establishment of the Pertamina Mahakam Forest and the planting of mangroves, aimed at preserving coastal ecosystems and contributing to climate change mitigation.
During the Indonesian Social Leaders Expo on May 23, 2023, a “Sobat Bumi” (Friends of the Earth) action was held involving Pertamina Group, stakeholders from NGOs and Pertamina Foundation partners, including Universitas Pertamina, at Universitas Indonesia.
Universitas Pertamina, in collaboration with Pertamina Foundation, has launched forest conservation initiatives focused on ecosystem restoration and local community empowerment to support climate change management. The Hutan Pertamina program includes restoring ecosystems and habitats of endemic species like the bekantan and orangutan, while improving local livelihoods. As part of this effort, Universitas Pertamina participated in planting nyamplung, kepuh, and meranti trees at the UGM Forestry Arboretum, chosen for their carbon absorption abilities. Another initiative, Pertamina Lestari, focuses on forest conservation and rehabilitation to protect biodiversity.
Universitas Pertamina, in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Petronas, has implemented an educational initiative focused on ecosystems through a community service program at SMPN 285 Jakarta. The activities included a Mini English Camp and the planting of mangrove trees along the coast of Pulau Untung Jawa, aiming to preserve the ecosystem and prevent coastal erosion caused by seawater.
Universitas Pertamina implements educational and community service programs that engage students in optimizing local potential, particularly in the tourism sector. Through UPERESEARCH, the focus is on enhancing the supply chain performance of tourism villages using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) framework. This research helps tourism villages conduct a comprehensive evaluation of their supply chain performance, providing guidance to improve operations and competitiveness in sustainable tourism development.
The research is called “Performance Measurement of the Tourism Supply Chain in a Tourist Village Using the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Approach” or Pengukuran Kinerja Tourism Supply Chain pada Desa Wisata dengan Pendekatan Supply Chain Operations Reference.”
Universitas Pertamina, in collaboration with Pertamina Foundation, implements Hutan Pertamina, a program focused on ecosystem conservation and local community empowerment. Through the Pertamina Lestari Program, natural corridors have been designed for the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) in Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, along with biodiversity protection in the Pertamina Badak LNG Forest. Research at PT Badak NGL has identified 32 orangutan nests, enhancing conservation management. Additionally, surveys in the UGM Pertamina Forest in Blora Ngawi evaluate wildlife diversity, reinforcing Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to environmental sustainability.
Moreover, the Blue Carbon Initiative emphasizes biodiversity protection through various projects. In the Blora Project, Pertamina Foundation established an ex-situ conservation breeding ground for ten Timor deer. In the Bontang and Mahakam Projects, regular monitoring of protected endemic species such as the proboscis monkey, small-clawed otter, and long-tailed macaque is conducted, further supporting conservation efforts in these regions.
According to PP No. 22/2021, water discharge standards are classified into four classes based on their intended use, each with specific permissible limits for parameters like biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and pH levels to maintain water bodies for various purposes, such as Class I for raw drinking water and Class IV for irrigation with acceptable pollution levels. Additionally, Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68/2016 outlines detailed standards for managing domestic wastewater to prevent pollution from urban activities. This regulation mandates separate wastewater treatment systems, continuous monitoring to ensure compliance with discharge limits (e.g., BOD at 30 mg/L, COD at 100 mg/L, TSS at 30 mg/L, and pH between 6-9), and prohibits artificial dilution of wastewater to meet standards. Together, these regulations ensure proper wastewater treatment and disposal, safeguarding water quality in natural bodies and promoting sustainable water resource use.
Universitas Pertamina has implemented Circular Letter No. 0013/UP-WRS.2.1/SE/PA.00/V/2023 to reduce plastic waste by restricting the use of bottled drinking water (AMDK) for internal activities, reflecting its commitment to sustainability and the protection of aquatic ecosystems. Effective May 3, 2023, this policy prohibits providing bottled water during internal meetings, encouraging participants to use reusable bottles or tumblers. The initiative aims to reduce single-use plastic consumption on campus, foster environmental awareness among staff and students, and lower operational costs by eliminating unnecessary spending on bottled water. Exceptions are allowed for meetings with external guests and major university events, such as Dies Natalis and graduation ceremonies. By promoting personal drinkware and limiting bottled water use, the university supports efforts to decrease plastic pollution, contributes to the prevention of plastic waste entering waterways, and sets a positive example for the community in line with SDG 14 goals to protect life below water.
Universitas Pertamina has policies, processes, and practices in place for the management of hazardous and toxic waste (B3), in line with its commitment to supporting SDG 15, which focuses on protecting life on land. The university has established clear procedures for the handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials, such as chemicals from laboratories or industrial operations, ensuring that all waste is managed in compliance with applicable environmental regulations. This process includes waste segregation, proper labeling, and secure storage to minimize the risk of contamination to the environment and human health.

In addition to internal protocols, the university collaborates with third-party waste management companies. This responsible approach not only ensures compliance with national standards but also reduces the environmental impact of hazardous materials. Among the types of hazardous waste generated, the largest quantity typically comes from residual B3 sample waste, which requires special handling due to its potential environmental impact. Through these practices, Universitas Pertamina contributes to the preservation of local ecosystems and demonstrates its commitment to sustainable environmental management, setting a positive example for the community and future generations in eco-friendly waste management.