SDG #16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Sustainable Developme Goal (SDG) 16 focuses on promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
– United Nation
Universitas Pertamina’s commitment to achieve this sustainable goal can be seen in the implementation of good governance and the involvement of civitas academic in building a strong institutions throughout the 2022 – 2023 academic year.
Universitas Pertamina has Senate as elected representation on the university’s highest governing body from faculty. Senate at Universitas Pertamina is governed by Article 33 of the University of Pertamina Statute 2023. Senate members have responsibility to make recommendations and supervise the application of rules and regulations in Universitas Pertamina. Based on Rector’s Decree of Universitas Pertamina Number 0037 Year 2022 governing Appointment and Establishment of The Universitas Pertamina Senate Members in 2022, Senate consists of a Chair, Secretary, regular Members, and ex-officio Members.
Universitas Pertamina also has Senate at the faculty level. The Senate at the faculty level consists of a Chair and regular Members. There is 6 Senate for each of six faculties in Universitas Pertamina.

Every five years, there are senate elections. Prof. Dr. Ir. Made Emmy Relawati was appointed by Universitas Pertamina in 2022 as the head of the Senate 2023-2028.

BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) in Universitas Pertamina is acknowledged by the university under Rector Regulation Number 0019 of 2017 regarding Student Organizations: Chapter 2, Article 3, Paragraph 1 Article 5, Paragraph C. Although UPER does not have Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) yet, in 2023, the Directorate of Student’s Affairs established Badan Pembentuk BEM (BAPEMBEM) to support the its formation. From March 13 – 25 2023, BAPEMBEM organized Student Congress titled “The Spirit of Collaboration to Strengthen the Existence and Integrity of Students” (Kongres Mahasiswa: Semangat Kolaborasi Untuk Meneguhkan Eksistensi dan Integritas Mahasiswa) to provides governance input for establishing the BEM.
Additionally, Student’s Union, or Himpunan Mahasiswa at UPER plays a significant role supporting the university governance and operations. Through the union, students receives supports academically through Tutor Sebaya and Financially through the Condolences Fund. In the social aspect, the Environmental Engineering Student’s Union also conducted an initiative called Environmental Preservation Through Community Service (EP—CoS) at SMAN 109 Jakarta to promote the Environmental Preservation through Kerja Bakti.
The policy and procedures to identify the local stakeholders external to Universitas Pertamina is regulated by the Rector’s Regulation Number 005A Year 2016 governing Cooperation Management Guidelines of Universitas Pertamina. The process of cooperation between Universitas Pertamina and the Partners consists of Initiation, Approval, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Development, and Termination of Cooperation.
One example of identifying the local stakeholder’s external in Universitas Pertamina is Curriculum Evaluation. The process of evaluation gathered the opinions of stakeholders, such as government, experts, and industry professionals. The mechanism of curriculum evaluation in Universitas Pertamina is regulated by Rector Regulation Number 002, year 2021.
Universitas Pertamina has an advisory board as participatory body for stakeholder engagement from industry and government to give advice, guidance and monitoring on the strategic policies of Universitas Pertamina. The members of the board were appointed based on Rector Regulation of Universitas Pertamina Number 0146, year 2023 concerning the Establishment of the Advisory Board of Universitas Pertamina for the 2023-2028 period.
The chair of advisory board of Universitas Pertamina for the period of 2023-2028 is Nicke Widyawati, the CEO of PT Pertamina (Persero). The members of this Advisory Board come from and represent various sectors such as government ministries, rectors of other universities, and industry leaders.
As a manifestation of a transparent and accountable university in supporting the creation of Good University Governance (GUG), Universitas Pertamina has regulated policies regarding corruption and gratification through Rector Regulation Number 0010 of 2017 concerning the Policy for Controlling Gratification of the Internal Supervisory Unit of Universitas Pertamina.
The basic principle of this policy is that All Personnel of Universitas Pertamina who, by virtue of their position and contrary to their duties and obligations, and/or their immediate family members (husband/wife, children) are PROHIBITED from receiving or requesting or giving gifts in the form of money, gifts, parcels, facilities, and all other forms of gratification, both directly and indirectly, from all stakeholders of the University in accordance with the provisions stipulated in this policy and applicable laws and regulations.

Universitas Pertamina has a Whistleblower System, namely CAROLINE or E-CARE, where every member of Universitas Pertamina can report any practices of gratification within the environment of Universitas Pertamina.
Universitas Pertamina is also actively promoting the eradication of corruption and gratification through a number of campaigns on campus, through posters and competitions related to anti-corruption and gratification.gratifikasi.

The academic community at Universitas Pertamina enjoys the liberty to select their research fields and to publicly discuss and teach their research topic. This right is enshrined in the Statute of Universitas Pertamina, Chapter 5, which covers Academic Freedom, Freedom of Academic Forum, and Scientific Autonomy, as outlined in Article 13.
To promote transparency, Universitas Pertamina publishes its financial reports. The university’s financial reports are published in the Universitas Pertamina Annual Report, which is publicly accessible through the Download Center on the Universitas Pertamina website.
During a Public Hearing of the Higher Education Working Committee of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives on Wednesday, 31 January 2023, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Wiratmaja Puja, PhD, who served as UPER rector from 2021 to 2023, addressed several key challenges in managing higher education institutions. He emphasized the importance of enhancing competitiveness by adhering to international standards and strengthening budget policies by balancing income from students, businesses, industries, and research. The session was chaired by Dr. Dede Yusuf ME, ST, M.I.Pol., a member of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
Dr. Eng. Mega Mutiara Sari, a lecturer of Environmental Engineering of Universitas Pertamina, also serves as an Expert in Mercury Lamps at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. On 13 December 2022, Dr. Mega was invited to the project results of Advancing Indonesia’s Lighting Market to High Efficient Technologies (ADLIGHT) Component 2 which took place in place on the Gedung Slamet Bratanata, DJEBTKE-KESDM, The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
UPER dedication to participating in government research demonstrated by the involvement of its lecturers in the Jasa Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan Harga Gas Bumi Tertentu terhadap Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas dan Multiplier Effect yang Diciptakan pada Sisi Hilir (Study of the Implementation of Certain Natural Gas Price Policies on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities and the Multiplier Effect Created on the Downstream Side) conducted for Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK MIGAS).
Eka Puspitawati, PhD, lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business, was appointed as the chief of this research project, supported by 9 academic teams from Universitas Pertamina as per SK Rektor Universitas Pertamina No 0206A/UP-R/SK.HK.01/XI/2023.
Universitas Pertamina provided a neutral platform and safe space for political stakeholders to discuss challenges and issues through Indonesian Economic Review 7.0 on 2022. The seminar themed “The Role of Young Generation in Digital Economic Growth: The Bright Future in Indonesia” brought together key figures to explore the significant impact of the youth in shaping the digital economy; Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Ardhiana M.Eng (Director of Digital Economy Ministry of Communication and Informatics), Taufik Arianto, S.ST., M.Kom (Coordinator of The Operations Group for Detection, Response and Recovery, National cyber incident and crisis handling), Eko Yudhi Purwanto ( Sr. Expert Reservoir Engineering at Upstream Business Development PT. PERTAMINA Hulu Energi), and Budi R Santoso (Sr. VP Digital Product and Engineering PT Global Sukses Solusi Tbk.(RUN System).
The geophysical Engineering student’s union also conducted an inspirating Focus Group Discussion themed “Regeneration to Become an Excellent Students” brought Berlinda Azzahram S.E, Commerical Strategy in Phillip Morris. This FGD has become a neutral and safe platform for students and the participants to share creative and innovative ideas and inspire all the participants to be competitive and be resilient.